Thursday, December 13, 2012


This brochure is about the Kachin Baptist Convention in brief. We like our friends far
and near to know about our Convention and our works so that we understand one another
for holistic development of the Christian churches and Communities in Myanmar.
1. Background History of Kachin People
2. A Short History and Formation of KBC.
3. Our Basic Beliefs.
4. Aims and Objectives.
5. Organization and Affiliation
6. Departments and Committees.
7. The Structure of KBC
8. Statistics

1. Background History of Kachin People
Kachin forefathers elders (from age to age) tell younger generations that a group of
people (Kachin) moved down slowly from Tibetan plateau (the so called Majoi Shingra Bum)
to Western China and then to northern Myanmar in about ten century AD. They stopped in
some fertile places such as Mahkum Madam (Mahkum Gang-China Boarder) Mali Hku
Majoi, Chyai hku Majoi, and Hkrang Hku Majoi living there for some centuries. Manau Dance
had been celebrated in Chyai Hku and Hkrang Hku Majoi. Manau dances usually celebrated
for fraternity, prosperity, Victory, and for farewell among the brothers and close relatives.
They departed a new people who have their own literature and Bible to different part of
Northern Myanmar, Northeast India, And Yu Nan Province in China. And Northern and
Eastern Shan State after Manau Dance at Hkrang Hku Majoi.
Their religion was Nat Worshipping (animism) but they believed in the Creator God,
the God of Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence. They called upon this God in
time of great need. They called this God “Hpan Ningsang, Chye Ningchyang” (Creator and
Omniscience God).
The major changes took place (in their life) when the British occupied Kachin land
and when Christianity was accepted by the people. The six ethnic group of People Rawang,
Laovoh (Maru), Lachid (Lashi), A Zi (Zaiwa), Lisu and Jinghpaw belong to Kachin nationality.
We use Jinghpaw as our common language. There are about one million Kachins in
2. A Short History and Formation of KBC
The American Missionary Eugenio Kincaid who worked in Prome (Pyay) was the first
missionary who met Kachin people in Mogawng in 1837, on his survey trip to Hugaung area
and Eastern India. He was strongly touched when he saw Kachin people, so he wrote to the
mission society in America to send missionaries to Kachin land.
The first American missionary to Kachin people was Albert J. Lyon. He went to
Bhamo (Manmaw) in 1878 to work together with Karen missionaries and Dr. Josiah Cushing,
the missionary to the Shan People in Taunggo area. Lyon suffered from malaria (black fever)
and died on March 15, 1878, one month after his arrival. Then William H. Roberts came to
Bhamo in 1879 January 12. He accomplished great mission work among the Kachins. Karen
missionaries - Bo Gale, Shwe Lin, S’Peh, Ko Hte and others worked along with the American
missionaries. Because of their effort, seven Kachins had been converted and Baptized at
Bumwa in 1882, March 19 as the first fruits. The Roberts opened the first primary school in
Bhamo for Kachin People.
Dr. Ola Hanson came to Bhamo in 1890 December 22. The missionaries tried their
best to introduce (Create) Kachin writing (Literature) using Burmese alphabets but they
found difficulty to have correct pronunciations for some words. Therefore, Dr. Ola Hanson
used Roman alphabet in Creating Kachin Literature. It was successfully completed and
accepted by the government in 1895. Then Dr. Ola Hanson compiled a Kachin-English
dictionary and translated hymnal and the Holy Bible in Kachin. Now Kachin become a new
people who have their own literature and Bible.
Another twenty four American missionaries and over twenty Karen Baptist
missionaries had been in Kachin field serving the Lord. They opened mission schools,
hostels, hospitals, health centers and other development programs. All these activities
stopped because of the nationalization program of the Socialist Government in 1963 - 64.
Church Leaders from Bhamo, Myitkyina, and Northern Shan State met in Bhamo in
1910, February 18 - 20 and formed a committee called “Ninghtan Hpung” which later known
as Kachin Baptist Convention. They had their business meeting annually.
The Golden Jubilee where the translated Holy Bible was handed over to Kachin
Leaders by Dr. Ola Hanson was celebrated in Bhamo in 1927 March. The Centennial Jubilee
was celebrated in Myitkyina in 1977 December 22 - 26. During the centennial celebration
6213 were converted and baptized. 3/300 mission (300 young dedicated missionries serving
for 3 years) started in 1978. There are 99% Christian after the 3/300 mission. And then
Kachin Literature Centennial Jubilee in Aung Pinle, Mandalay in 1995, December 31 - 1996
January 2. Kachin churches greatly suffered during the civil war in 1962 - 1994.
3. Our Basic Beliefs
The KBC as a Baptist Convention holds on the Baptist Belief. We believe the Bible as
the word of God and Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of the world, who was
crucified for the sin of the world, and resurrected on the third day. We believe in the Trinity.
4. Our Aims and Objectives
(1) To have unity among the Churches affiliated to the KBC to serve Jesus Christ
with one accord.
(2) To lead our people (churches) on wholistic mission.
(3) To share the gospel of Jesus Christ to Christians and non Christians inside and
outside KBC areas.
(4) To stimulate and coordinate evangelism.
(5) To assist in consultation and planning of various ministry programs.
(6) To promote Christian literature (writing, translating, and publishing books).
(7) To have affiliation with Myanmar Baptist Convention and Myanmar Council of
Churches, and to have fellowship with other Christian denominations to help one another.
5. Organization and Affiliation
The Convention’s highest Power is in Quadrennial Mass Meeting. We have Board of
Management meeting held annually and Executive Committee Meeting held twice a year.
These are to fulfill the Convention’s policy and programs between one Quadrennial Mass
Meeting and another.
There are Fourteen Baptist Associations affiliated to KBC and 329 Local churches in
the Associations. The Associations and each address are as follows:-
(1) Bhamo Zone Baptist Association
Robert Memorial Church Compound, Bhamo, Kachin State
(2) Myitkyina Zone Baptist Association
Christian Centre, South Shanzu, Myitkyina, Kachin State
(3) Shan State Kachin Baptist Association
Kachin Baptist Church, Thiri Maha Qr., Lashio, Northen Shan State
(4) Hka Hku Baptist Association
Sumpra Bum, Kachin State
(5) Puato Baptist Association
Kawng Kahtawng Qr., Putao, Kachin State
(6) Htingnai Baptist Association
Natgyigone, Mogaung, Kachin State
(7) Waimaw Baptist Association
Waimaw, Kachin State
(8) Sama Baptist Association
Lai ra yang, Katsu, Waimaw Township, Kachin State]
(9) Keng Tung Baptist Association
Keng Tung, Shan State
(10) Nogmung Baptist Association
Nogmung, Kachin State
(11) Lower Myanmar Kachin Baptist Association
Aung Pinle Qr., Mandalay Division
(12) Mungmau Baptist Association
Kachin Baptist Church Compound, Muse, Northern Shan State
(13) Uru Sengmaw Baptist Association
Mashi Kahtawng Qr., Phakant Tsp., Kachin State
(14) Chi Hpwi Baptist Association
Chi Hpwi Baptist Church Compound, Chi Hpwi, Kachin State
Departments and Committees
(1) Finance and Property Department
(2) Christian Education Department
(3) Evangelism and Mission Department
(4) Women’s Department
(5) Men’s Department
(6) Youth Department
(7) Ministers’ Committee
(8) Literature Committee
(9) Music Committee
(10) Theological Committee
(11) Relief Committee
(12) Healing Ministry Committee
(13) Archive Committee
(14) Community Development Department
(15) Hanson Memorial Press Committee
(16) Peace and Reconciliation Committee
(17) Board of Trustee, Kachin Theological College
(18) Leadership Development Committee
(19) Audio- Visual & Communication Department
(20)The Consortium of Kachin Bible Schools
Men’s Fellowship CommitteeFinance
Women’s Fellowship Committee
Ministers’ CommitteeFinance and
Literature CommitteeFinance and
Music CommitteeFinance and Property
Theological Committee
Relief Committee
Healing Ministry Committee
Archive Committee
Community Development Department
Hanson Memorial Press Committee
Peace and Reconciliation Committee
Board of Trustee, Kachin Theological
Finance aLeadership Development
Audio- Visual & Communication
Youth Fellowship DepartmentFinance
The Consortium of Kachin Bible
Evangelism and Mission
Christian Education
Finance and Property Department
Kachin People while the American Missionaries arrived
Eugenio Kincaid
Albert J. Lyon
Willam H. Roberts
Dr. Josiah Cushing
Francis Mason
George J. Geis
Dr. Ola Hanson
Thra Bo Galay, Ko Hte
Mr. Nangzing Yung and Mrs. Lazum Kaw Lum
Mr. and Mrs. Maran Baw Mung La
Mr. and Mrs. Maran Adan Yawng
Mr. Gawlu Htang Yawng
Nam mawk hka, Bumwa
Herman G. Tagenfeldt
Thra Kyaw Dwe
Dr. Ola Hanson who translated the Bible into Kachin
Dr. Ola Hanson preached in Golden Jubilee, he handed the translated Holy Bible
over to Kachin Leaders
Jinghpaw Wunpawng Hkalup Hpung hta shawng nnan lang na English Chyum jawng
de sa ai jawngma ni
Jaw Bum during Centennial Celebration
Jaw Bum Tower today
Kachin Theological College, Nawng Nang, Myitkyina, Kachin State
Openning Ceremony, Centinnial Celebration, 1977
Openning Ceremony
KBC Mass in Centennial Celebration, 1977
100 Gaungs Playing at Centennial Celebration, 1977
Manau Dancing at Centennial Celebration, 1977
6213 converted were baptised in Centennial Celebration, 1977
Centennial Celebration held in Nawng Nang, 1977
Main Entrance, Centennial Celebration, 1977
3/300 missionaries (1978 – 1981)

Roberts Memorial Baptist Church, Bhanmaw
Roberts Memorial Baptist Church, Bhanmaw
Geis Memorial Baptist Church, Myitkyina, Kachin State
Hanson Memorial Baptist Church, Sinlum Bum
Sword Memorial Baptist Church, Kutkai

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